Online Reservations & Enquiries
If you need urgent information or need to make a last-minute reservation, please call us on
0435 036 845 or 0450 244 863.
If you haven't heard from us within 24 hrs of submitting your form, please follow up with a call or SMS.

Booking Request Form

Would you like to make an online booking request? Simply complete the form below and we will contact you to confirm availability.
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Is there any other information you would like to give us, or any information that you would like to receive from us? Please provide details in the text box below:
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In order to submit your booking form, you must read and confirm the Windrest Cattery policy conditions. To read the conditions simply click the link below.
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Please note: Bookings are not confirmed until the Non-Refundable booking fee has been paid.
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How we calculate our prices:

Windrest cat guests collection and drop off is normally an agreed time between 9.30am-11am. If the collection/drop off time occurs after 4.30pm, a late afternoon charge of $70 will be included and payable prior to departure.

How the rates are applied and cost calculated:

If Ms Bowen confirms a booking for her cat Atticus, from Sunday at 10am - Friday 9am, the costs calculated will be: 6 days x $44 = $264.00, payable prior to arrival. If Ms Bowen arrives at 4.45pm on Friday (rather than the agreed 9am), the total cost will be 264+70 = $334.00.

To expedite admission:
  1. Enquire about availability via phone or website.
  2. Pay deposit as advised.
  3. Fill out and return all relevant forms to us.
  4. Let your cat enjoy the unmatched experience while staying with us.